#casualconversation /r/CasualConversation

Can you give us a description of your community: what it’s about, what rules you may have and any resources you would like to include

  • We do. I like to change up the colors on our CSS page for different holidays throughout the year. We also have a neat announcement bar that pops up when you scroll down, it normally has a quirky quote on it.

What sets your community apart from others?

  • /r/CasualConversation is a subreddit for general chat about almost anything that you can think of. The main rules here are to “respect others” and “Don’t take things too seriously.” Mostly we just want people to have a friendly place to have conversations but we do have a detailed rules page here. Oh we also have a Snoonet rules page.

We have a bunch of resources for our community, our Steam group, Music room, Minecraft server and of course our Snoonet channel.

What inspired this community?

  • I was looking through reddit to find a general chat type subreddit but I couldn’t find one. So I thought I would try and make my own and well I guess it worked. Sort of like an “off topic” like what you would see on message boards but for reddit.

What sets your community apart from others?

  • Our community is extremely friendly. Maybe even too friendly. We also have pretty great CSS on our sub.

What is your goal with this community?

  • To have a place to chat with strangers with a great atmosphere.

What is your community (in)famous for?

  • Idk I guess just circlejerking about how friendly we are.

What is the most popular post of all time in the subreddit?

Do you have any favorite quotes or posts from your users?

  • I’m sure if I went digging I would find the one I liked but I just can’t think of it at the moment.

What do you hope your community gains from this subreddit?

  • A sense of learning how to be an all around better person, sharing your stories and maybe making some new friends. Some threads in the sub has already show how our sub has impacted people’s lives for the better.

What have you learned from being a part of this community?

  • That reddit isn’t as bad as I thought it is. Seeing how great our subscribers are really makes me see a whole other side of reddit.

Does your community have any traditions or special events?

  • We do. I like to change up the colors on our CSS page for different holidays throughout the year. We also have a neat announcement bar that pops up when you scroll down, it normally has a quirky quote on it.

Does your community have any associated social media or websites? (facebook/twitter/instagram/etc)

  • Our Steam group I guess. I thought about doing a twitter page but never really knew how it would work for the sub.